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A must-see for new dog owners

Dogs will also experience some stress when they are in a completely new environment. Therefore, the first thing to do after taking the dog home is not busy feeding them or cleaning the dog, but should let the dog stay quietly and familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment. Only after gradually adapting to their living environment, the chances of the dog having adverse reactions will be relatively reduced.

First, enter the door to bathe and clean
Just bought back the dog is mostly dirty, there is a little taste, so many owners will give the dog a thorough cleaning, and then hold it to play, but this behavior for the dog is a hundred harm and no good. Dogs just to a new environment will not adapt to, afraid, this time the dog’s resistance is very weak, bathing is very easy to let it catch a cold, and cause distemper and other diseases that can be fatal to the dog, so in the dog just brought home when you must remember not to rush to give it a bath, if it is very dirty you can limit its activities in the area, or dry cleaning powder to help the dog to rub a little, in short, do not give the dog all wet to give it a bath.
Eat meat, drink milk
You may think that your dog is very weak, and when you look at its poor appearance, you would like to feed it some delicious food. And you also like to watch the dog wolf down the food you prepared, but this practice is not correct. Honden, especially puppies, have very fragile stomachs and are very prone to vomiting and diarrhea. Meat and milk are easy to cause gastrointestinal problems in dogs, and diarrhea is not easy to cure when the dog is weak, so you need to know this dog knowledge: the safest diet for dogs is dog food and water, although it looks a little lighter, but it won’t cause any problems (it is also not recommended to feed the puppy first after it has just entered the new home). (It is not recommended to feed a new puppy dog food first, you can feed some goat’s milk powder). Dogs need balanced, adequate and careful nutrition as they grow, so if you don’t know how to choose a good milk powder, pick a well-known brand, and start feeding milk pudding once your dog has fully adapted to the new environment.

Taking your dog outside
Not to mention that it is not recommended to take your dog outside until it has been fully vaccinated, and taking your puppy outside is not inherently safe, first of all, we can’t be sure of some of the unsettling elements in the outside world. The dog is likely to be attacked by an unattended dog or a dog that is not on a leash. And for a puppy that has just been picked up, there is definitely no time to do some basic training on them. This makes it difficult for us to ensure that the dog will not appear to nibble outside. In addition, the resistance of unvaccinated dogs is not very good, so if they come into contact with the feces of a sick dog, it is quite easy to be infected. So don’t go out on a whim with a dog that hasn’t taken any protective measures.
Rush to deworming
The dog’s previous living environment is not clean, it may lead to the dog suffering from parasites, but for the dog just picked up home is not recommended to rush to help them deworming, too small age for deworming, deworming drugs will have an impact on the dog’s health, and even toxicity problems.
So for the new puppy the main thing is to let the dog familiar with the new environment, and so they are completely adapted to the arrival, to the time of the vaccine to vaccination, vaccination must ensure that the dog’s body is healthy, otherwise do not vaccinate first.




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